Switch on The Sun With a Solar Loan From Nassau Financial
Harness the sun’s energy and put it to work for you, with a low-rate Solar Loan
- No Payments for the first 6 months
- Flexible Terms up to 10 years
- Loan amounts up to $100,000 available1
- Enjoy more long term solar savings
- Increase the resale value of your home
Now you can purchase and own your home solar system through Nassau Financial Federal Credit Union. By using a hometown trusted lender and an expert local solar installer, you can get the world's most powerful solar panels. It’s time to save BIG on your electric bills—thanks to Nassau Financial.
Use Your Solar Loan To Finance:

Solar System

Roof Repairs

Tesla Powerwall
*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Other financing options available through NassauFinancial.org including home equity loans and lines of credit. 1Based on combined loan amounts. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change without notice. Offers of credit subject to credit history and other criteria. One-time processing fee of $750 will be charged at first disbursal. This fee cannot be financed. Nassau Financial Federal Credit Union membership is open to all those who live, work, worship, volunteer or go to school in Nassau County, as well as siblings, children, grandchildren and household members of Nassau Financial members.