Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
Nassau Financial will never make unsolicited requests for your personal information via phone, email or text message. If you are ever unsure that a call or message you receive is from us, call the number you know to be genuine, as listed on your statement: 516.742.4900, to speak with a Representative.
Attention Home Equity Line of Credit Members:
We are in unprecedented times and are striving to mitigate risk to our Members' financial position, as we have seen a rise in fraudulent activities since the health crisis began earlier this year. For your protection, we have put an additional security process in place to make sure that your Home Equity Line of Credit is accessed only when you have initiated and verified an advance.
We are in unprecedented times and are striving to mitigate risk to our Members' financial position, as we have seen a rise in fraudulent activities since the health crisis began earlier this year. For your protection, we have put an additional security process in place to make sure that your Home Equity Line of Credit is accessed only when you have initiated and verified an advance.
Before releasing funds requested by check, we will contact you to verify the authenticity of the request. Once you give authorization, the funds will be released. Advances requested in person or by phone are also subject to verification before the funds will be released. Advances made through Online Banking or the Mobile Banking App are no longer possible. Thank you in advance for your understanding as we implement this new security process.
Listed below are examples of recent scams. Fraudsters will sound convincing. Be aware and protect your identity:
Fraudulent Requests for Information via Text, Email, and Phone
- Members and non-members have reported receiving fraudulent texts and emails purportedly from us and other financial institutions indicating that their online banking and/or debit cards have been suspended.
- Sometimes, the Caller ID falsely lists our credit union name.
- These phone calls or email/text messages include a link or phone number for people to contact and confirm their personal information in order to re-instate and regain full access to these services.
- The message typically includes a threat that if immediate attention is not taken, you will permanently lose access.
Please remember that Nassau Financial would never request personal information by text or email, or make unsolicited phone calls to ask for identifying information. For your safety and security, do not reply to any such requests.
Fraudulent Official Checks
We are receiving calls from people in various parts of the country attempting to verify if funds are available for the official checks they receive in the mail (usually priority mail) as payment for agreeing to act as a mystery shopper or display product ads on their cars. These checks are fraudulent and will not be paid. Please beware if you receive an email or phone call with requests like this. Be sure to do a thorough investigation before doing business with any company, particularly if they call you.
ATM Skimming
You may have heard that hidden devices in ATMs can be used to steal your PIN and account information when you make ATM transactions. A few simple steps can help protect your account information from fraudulent activities.
Use ATMs you are familiar with, such as Nassau Financial and shared branch ATMs. Avoid ATMs that are hidden or in out-of-the-way places. These are easy targets for thieves to place a skimming device or tiny camera without being noticed. If any part of the ATM looks or feels unusual (if it feels loose when you insert your card, for instance), do not use the machine.
Cover the keyboard when you enter your PIN. This will prevent your PIN from being stolen by a hidden camera. And remember, never give your PIN to anyone!
Check your balances regularly by using Call-24, Mobile-24, or Access-24 Online Banking. Contact us as soon as possible if you notice anything suspicious.
OnGuard Online
The Federal Trade Commission has created a website to help fight cybercrime. OnGuard Online(Opens in a new Window) provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information. Topics range from Identity Theft, Spyware, Phishing, Online Shopping, Password Protection, and more. Visit OnGuard Online(Opens in a new Window).
In addition, The Federal Trade Commission has information on their Identity Theft Site(Opens in a new Window) where consumers can learn how to avoid identity theft - and learn what to do if their identity is stolen.
Be aware of a type of Internet piracy called "phishing." It is pronounced "fishing," since that's what thieves are doing: "fishing" for your personal financial information. They look for your account numbers, passwords, Social Security numbers, and other confidential information in an attempt to loot your checking account or run up bills on your credit cards. Learn some useful tips to protect yourself from an online phishing scam or what to do if you fall victim.
The term vishing is a combination of "voice" and phishing. Vishing exploits the public's trust in landline telephone services, are known to the telephone company, and are associated with a bill-payer. To be protected, consumers are advised to be highly suspicious when receiving messages (telephone, email, or otherwise) directing them to call and provide personal, confidential, and/or account related information. Always contact your financial institution or credit card company directly to verify the validity of the message using contact information they already have in their possession (i.e. do not use contact information provided in the suspicious message).